Edge Nutrition Crash Courses
Video conference with your dietetic interns to review clinical content, tips for success, and real-life clinical scenarios to prepare for rotations. Best used in companion with the Nutrition Support Skills course.
Enteral and parenteral nutrition indications, access, anatomy review, formulas, feeding, calculations, monitoring and evaluation.
Students will be administered a 15-item pre and post test and a summary of this will be sent to the DI director.
Each intern will also receive a clinical terms vocabulary sheet.
Expectations, interacting with patients, advocating for patients, diabetes, renal, pulmonary, malnutrition, wounds, gastrointestinal diseases, bariatric surgery, nutrition-focused physical exam with micronutrients, charting, ethics, refeeding syndrome, enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition, sedating medications, vasopressors, PES statements, dysphasia, sepsis, trivia, Q&A.
Each intern will be administered a 15-item pre and post test and a summary of this will be sent to the DI director.
Each intern will also receive an evidence-based resource guide and clinical vocabulary worksheet with answer key.
Intern confidence improved 200% after completing the Nutrition Support Skills Crash Course!
Intern competence (correct answers on a quiz) improved 71% after taking the course.
“Interns universally appreciated Sara’s thorough and detailed seminar. We feel it prepared them extremely well to embark upon their clinical rotations.”
– BeWell Solutions DI Directors
“Sara is a wonderful teacher, and presented the [Crash Course] in a highly relevant and practical way. Because of this experience, I know our dietetic interns will feel more confident and prepared as they enter their clinical rotations.”
– Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, PhD, RDN; Director of the Coordinated Master’s Program in Dietetics, Colorado State University
Edge Nutrition Honest Pricing Policy
My dream was to create educational and empowering courses for current and future dietitians, launching them into an extraordinary, fulfilling career space. I did that, and now I want to share these courses with the world.
I love teaching solid, evidence-based content, but my true passion is being a cheerleader for dietetic interns. I want my Crash Courses to be available to every single internship, so I keep my prices honest and transparent.
Here’s the deal: if you want your interns to walk into their clinical rotations with confidence and competence, impress their preceptors, positively represent your program, and be competitive candidates for clinical jobs, I want to help. I’ll provide a pricing proposal based on what I know about you, your program, and your interns. If that price feels good, that’s what you pay. If the price doesn’t feel good, we’ll have a longer conversation about the specific needs of your program, and settle on a price that works for you.
I commit to being honest and transparent, you commit to valuing my skills and expertise. This kind of pricing arrangement is uncommon, but it just makes sense. I want to do good in the world, and change lives. I want to spread joy, and encourage people to be the best version of themselves, every single day. Won’t you join me?
Sara Griffin, MS, RDN, CNSC | March 7, 2022
This policy was inspired by Lightward, Inc. and is licensed as a Creative Commons 4.0 licence